Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm trying to stay in a "happy place". I'm about 30% there, I'm definitely one to take in a myriad of factors pertaining to my recent life dilemnas. Errghhhhh ajja.

People keep giving me shit, calling me naive and stupid.

I KNOW I'm fucking happy, atleast for now I am. If I don't keep thinking up stupid outcomes or try to make something of this. I guess I am fine with it being whatever, I suppose that I have come to the sad realization that I would rather be naive and stupid than not in this situation at all

I fucked up with the Leo shit though. I should have never started talking to him, I guess I was trying to be nice, aja, I wasn't really feeling it though. Shoulda stopped that shit.

FUck, Paradise is in MY MIND right?!!?


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