Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This weekend I saw Dirty Dancing for the first time. I always wondered what the fuss was about. I don't get it. NOT! That masterpiece filled my being with love, happiness, and will..as well as leaving my chonis filled with something else. Baby seemed really young, 13 years old young, and Patrick Swazy was not fine at all. The script kept me going. The dirty dancing didn't hurt either! Baby's sister was a loser. She reminded me of me kind of. I mean, there were these times where she wasn't doing 'her'. Girl, come on. But the scene that really got me was when Johnny Castle's partner got a 'dirty abortion' I wanted to cry. I was thinking a great amount of awful actions characterized as 'dirty'. My mind's really weird, sadistic. I was actually relieved when the viewer learned it just meant that it wasn't done by a real doctor. Woooh. That was a close one I guess. 

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