Thursday, January 29, 2009

Really long time..

When I was younger I would take showers at night, put on an oversized t-shirt, and that would be that. Off to bed I would go, comfortable, breeze prone. As I do this now, it seems almost surreal. I couldn't tell you the last time I did this. Now, it's not what youre thinking I DO shower, but it's usually before class, or I get ready right afterward. WHY? Why must I "get ready" and look nice, and spend an hour on my hair and shit? Fuck that, wouldn't my time go better studying, or even better sleeping, and how about the ever-popular feeding the hungry? Why do I continue to put myself through the torture of getting ready each day? Oh yea, because I'm lame. In everyway that word is used. One day, I won't be. I'll walk and talk without a bra, witough makeup, without fear of humility and lack confidence. That day will come folks, don't panic.

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